The Mozambique Stock Exchange (BVM) participated on November 25th, 2022, in Maputo , in the 6th edition of the ABSA Africa Financial MarketsIndex 2022. The event aimed to share the annual report containing the main indicators of the attractiveness of capital markets in Africa, where the various stakeholders of the Mozambican financial system will take part.
The report, presented by JeffGable, Director of Economic Studies for Africa at Absa Group, is a valuable resource for decision makers, policy makers, investors, asset managers in Africa and globally.
On the occasion, the President of the Mozambique Stock Exchange(BVM),SalimCriptonValá, said that BVM's participation in the forum shows the importance that the institution has in the development of the Capital Market in Mozambique. ″ The report presented shows that we must introduce new products and services, as well as new financial and technology-based instruments. The macroeconomic environment of the country brings numerous challenges.
"The 39 points we were given by the index are not positive, they show that we have not changed. We are in a stable situation since last year, but there is still work to be done″, Valá stressed.
According to BVM's PCA, it is important to take into account technological and security issues in order to have a more dynamic market, stressing that ″much depends on the level of transparency, good governance, and the most timely and appropriate regulatory mechanisms″.
BVM has been playing a growing role in oxygenating the financial system, seeking to break the erroneous paradigm that dynamic capital markets can only flourish exclusively in developed economies. We intend to change the terms of the equation, advocating and acting in the sense that the capital market and the BVM are some of the financial instruments that help promote inclusive economic development and democratization of capital. Having a robust, diversified, and sustainable economy requires a Stock Exchange that is up to this challenge, and not waiting for the economy to develop before having a more dynamic Stock Exchange. Valá emphasized.
For his part, the Managing Director of AbsaBank Mozambique, Pedro Carvalho, said that the evolution of financial markets is not made from ″one year to the next″, adding that the most important thing is to verify which are the opportunities for improvement, and who are the actors that must participate for the development to take place.
″We are a financial system of a developing Country, and if we adopt good practices, we can run more. In the future, our financial system can be more robust and more vibrant″.
″ Mozambique has a small and challenging economy and the capital market is therefore an important instrument for attracting capital, Mozambican and foreign. People should know that BVM is important for the development of the country″, concluded the Managing Director of AbsaBank Mozambique.